In the face of rising market volatility, rising interest rates and geopolitical tensions, private markets have a challenging year ahead. Private market participants will have to look for alternative strategies amid a tightened debt market, face markdowns in private valuations and expect longer holding periods.
Private EquityDespite AI and big data becoming a key component of public markets, private equity remains a world where signals are harder to find. Here we explore a growing trend toward using technology to accelerate the origination process.
Private Equity Artificial IntelligenceImproving origination in Private Equity using artificial intelligence
Private Equity Artificial IntelligenceThe use of artificial intelligence (AI) in private equity is gaining traction as a way to improve decision-making and drive returns. By leveraging data-driven insights, AI can help private equity firms identify potential investment opportunities, assess the risks and rewards of different investments, and optimise portfolio performance.
Artificial Intelligence Private EquityBanks will continue to invest in transforming their products and enhancing client experience. As the technology matures, explainable AI will allow for rapid information gathering across large organisations and much faster decision-making.
Banking Artificial IntelligenceA third of all UK companies are classified under SIC Codes that start with ‘Other’. Most of the industry classifications we use today were developed during the industrial age.
Industry Artificial Intelligence